Throughout New Zealand’s history, individuals and groups have been impelled to seek change and achieve social justice through the medium of protest. Protest in New Zealand provides an in-depth look at protest movements during the 20th century, focusing on their causes and effects, and the events and people that drove them. Protest in New Zealand includes: a detailed narrative of events, including profiles of key people; in-depth case studies of three key industrial disputes; clear discussion on important issues which influenced people; key ideas and historical trends a range of activities, including discussions and investigations, to engage all learners a wide variety of primary sources, including photographs, articles and posters, many of which have never before been included in New Zealand school textbooks; a historiography resource and activity at the end of each chapter sample essays and tips on essay writing. The textbook provides a basis for inquiry based teaching and learning, giving teachers an opportunity to extend students and allow them to draw their own conclusions. It will enhance any current history programme that focuses on New Zealand context. Topics covered include: industrial action; pacifism and anti-conscription; the Depression Riots; counter-culture and anti-Vietnam War protest movements; feminism, and civil rights. The level of language is appropriate for students studying history at NCEA Levels 2 and 3.
Featured in the 4 June 2013New Zealand newsletter.
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