The EBook version is here.
A comprehensive and accessible approach to personality theory and research with a renewed focus on contemporary findings
In the newly revised 15th edition of Personality: Theory and Research, Professor Daniel Cervone delivers balanced and up-to-date coverage of the major theories of personality and the latest psychological research on the subject. The book offers consistent theory-by-theory discussions of personality structures, processes, and development and provides readers with a foundation to compare and relate each theory to the others.
The EBook version is here.
A comprehensive and accessible approach to personality theory and research with a renewed focus on contemporary findings
In the newly revised 15th edition of Personality: Theory and Research, Professor Daniel Cervone delivers balanced and up-to-date coverage of the major theories of personality and the latest psychological research on the subject. The book offers consistent theory-by-theory discussions of personality structures, processes, and development and provides readers with a foundation to compare and relate each theory to the others.