When it comes to life and death, do any of us know how we'll shape up? For a bit of a laugh Sam signs up for a hiking trip - only, laughs is the opposite of how things turn out.
Coastal New Zealand provides the setting for a summer hiking trip; the tail-end of a tropical cyclone provides the impetus for things to spiral out of control. After the shocking discovery of just how fast and how badly things can go wrong, Samantha, Jake and Cornelius go for help - but nothing is ever that easy. And, it turns out, no one is quite who they thought they were. Maybe that's lucky. Maybe it changes us forever.
When it comes to life and death, do any of us know how we'll shape up? For a bit of a laugh Sam signs up for a hiking trip - only, laughs is the opposite of how things turn out.
Coastal New Zealand provides the setting for a summer hiking trip; the tail-end of a tropical cyclone provides the impetus for things to spiral out of control. After the shocking discovery of just how fast and how badly things can go wrong, Samantha, Jake and Cornelius go for help - but nothing is ever that easy. And, it turns out, no one is quite who they thought they were. Maybe that's lucky. Maybe it changes us forever.