With its vivid narrative, Valerie Lawsons Dancing Underthe Southern Skies goes far beyond what audiences see onstage to reveal what has been behind the red velvet curtain.
The lives of the dancers who toured to Australia, amongthem Anna Pavlova and Margot Fonteyn, and of those whostayed and of those who created companies in Australiaare presented in a fascinating mosaic of interviews, lettersand personal stories from dancers, directors, producers,impresarios and critics. She also paints portraits of thosewho influenced Australian culture over nine decades, amongthem Laurence Olivier, Edouard Borovansky, Peggy vanPraagh, Paul Keating and Graeme Murphy, and tells howthe nation escaped from cultural dependence on Britain, fellin love with ballet troupes from the Soviet Union, and thenwatched the birth of the Australian Ballet, the Sydney DanceCompany, Bangarra Dance Theatre and many other dancecompanies.
Sumptuously illustrated.
Featured in the 23 July 2019 New Zealand newsletter.
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