The adventures of Wallace, a Lancashire inventor with a fondness for cheese, and Gromit, his long-suffering canine companion, have enjoyed incredible success. Cracking Animation reveals their creators and provides a unique guide to making your own 3-D animated films. The first part of the book sets Aardman's achievements and the history of the studio into the tradition of 3-D animation. The main component of the book is a guide by Peter Lord, co-founder of Aardman, to the process of 3-D animation, culminating in a practical, fully illustrated step-by-step description of how to create effective characters, a storyboard, sets, and eventually make an entire film. There is no other book that provides the same information in such detail, making it possible for everyone to create their own 3-D animated classic. For fans and enthusiasts of all ages, as well as for serious students of animation, this book is not only a lot of fun - it is essential reading.