By the Lapels is Wes Lee's second full-length collection of poetry. An oblique narrative told in fragments, scenes half-glimpsed. The poems unfold, adopting a variety of poetic personas, interrogating the body, interrogating memory, highlighting a tenuous sense of existence, a constant negotiation with being in the world.
Wes Lee lives in Paekakariki. Her previous collections include Shooting Gallery and a pamphlet Body, Remember. Her work has appeared in a wide array of literary journals and anthologies in New Zealand, Australia and the UK including The Stinging Fly, Poetry New Zealand, New Writing Scotland, Westerly, The London Magazine, Landfall, Cordite, Poetry London, The University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor's Poetry Prize Anthology 2019. She has won a number of awards for her writing including The BNZ Katherine Mansfield Literary Award; The Bronwyn Tate Memorial Award; The Dan Davin Literary Award. Most recently she was a finalist in the Sarah Broom Poetry Prize 2018, and the winner of the Poetry New Zealand Prize 2019 (Massey University Press).
Featured in the 11 November 2019 New Zealand newsletter.
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