This book is a collaboration between Rondo, Catherine and Spirit – the Spirit that lives and breathes in the land of Fiji and presents itself in the living art form of masi. Rondo first met Catherine in one of those moments of ‘serendip’ that people like to call coincidence. They were introduced in Suva the day before Rondo was due to leave and return to Sydney. Chatting over coffee at the Holiday Inn, Catherine spoke of her vision for a book about masi. Her belief in, and passion for, the book was impressive, but all was placed on the back burner until two months later when they were brought back together, after each had independently relocated to the beautiful Gold Coast in southeast Queensland. Working together and sharing each other’s hopes and dreams, they began the process of writing this book. Constantly guided by Spirit they have found the way cleared at every step as doors opened and help came to them again and again from unexpected quarters. The! belief in their work and the trust extended to them has been most gratifying.