Waiora is a classic play from Aotearoa New Zealand. It was firstpublished in 1997 and has been widely studied in schools anduniversities.
This new edition includes updated text, a new forewordand study notes.
It is 1965 and a Maori family prepares a hangi to celebrate a birthdaywith their Pakeha guests. Hone Koukas much-celebrated play toucheson the impact of colonisation, urban drift and the tension between thepast and the future.
Former Prime Minister Helen Clark is a fan of the play. She said I onlywish that more New Zealanders knew about it and were able to see it.Poignant and vital, this play explores ideas of homeand belonging.
About the author
Hone Kouka (Ngati Porou, Ngati Raukawa, Ngati Kahungunu, KaiTahu) MNZM is an acclaimed director, producer and writer for theatreand film. Kouka, along with Miria George, founded theatre and filmproduction house Tawata Productions, producing the works of Maoriand Pasifika artists. In 2015 he founded the Kia Mau Festival - a multiartsplatform for Maori, Pasifika and First Nations/indigenous artistsfrom across te ao whanui (the globe). Based in Wellington, this festivalis built upon a foundation of kaupapa Maori.
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