This book integrates research on the causes, responses and protective strategies for vicarious trauma that are recognised in a range of human services and argues their relevance to the legal profession.
Examining related conditions that are common among lawyers - including burnout, compassion fatigue and secondary trauma stress – the text reveals how lawyers’ vulnerability to trauma is aggravated by stigma against mental health concerns in workplaces with poor leadership, weak supervision, and an adversarial “law-as-business” approach. The author proposes adaptions to legal education and practice management to help lawyers cope with stress and trauma, use their work experiences to improve their self-awareness, maintain their wellbeing, and ultimately to thrive in their work. Rich in evidence-based practices, strategies and tools, this book serves to help individuals, workplaces and law schools become trauma-informed.
An indispensable guide for lawyers, law firm managers and supervisors, as well as legal educators and students seeking to enhance their resilience, self-awareness and wellbeing in readiness for legal practice.