Researchers in the social and behavioral sciences must follow recognized ethical standards when they conduct their research. However, most guidance (e.g., the federal regulations for the protection of human research subjects) has been developed with medical research as the model. Interpreting what this guidance means for an ethnographic study, a longitudinal survey, or a study of a behavioral intervention, is not always straightforward, and many graduate programs do not have the resources to offer more than a seminar or two on research ethics. 100 Questions (and Answers) About Research Ethics by Emily E. Anderson and Amy Corneli will be an essential guide for graduate students and researchers in the social and behavioral sciences, identifying and answering the essential questions from assessing risks, to protecting privacy and vulnerable populations, obtaining informed consent, using technology such as social media, negotiating the IRB process, and handling data ethically. It is a useful resource for students developing their thesis and dissertation proposals and for junior faculty designing research.