A new BWB Text
What do the economics of decolonisation mean for the future of Aotearoa?
This question drives the work of Matthew Scobie and Anna Sturmanas they explore the complex relationship between tangata whenua and capitalism. By weaving together historical insights and contemporary analysis, this Text reveals the enduring influence of Maori economies and illuminates how these perspectives could radically transform Aotearoa's political economy for the better.
Matthew Scobie, of Kai Tahu (Kati Huirapa) and Tauiwi descent, teaches Indigenous economics and corporate responsibility at the University of Canterbury. Anna Sturman is a Pakeha lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Sydney. Her work centres on climate changes political economy and ecology.
A new BWB Text
What do the economics of decolonisation mean for the future of Aotearoa?
This question drives the work of Matthew Scobie and Anna Sturmanas they explore the complex relationship between tangata whenua and capitalism. By weaving together historical insights and contemporary analysis, this Text reveals the enduring influence of Maori economies and illuminates how these perspectives could radically transform Aotearoa's political economy for the better.
Matthew Scobie, of Kai Tahu (Kati Huirapa) and Tauiwi descent, teaches Indigenous economics and corporate responsibility at the University of Canterbury. Anna Sturman is a Pakeha lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Sydney. Her work centres on climate changes political economy and ecology.