Working with Children in the Early Years is an accessible introduction to early years theories, policy and practice by offering practitioners in a diverse range of early years settings the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills for working with young children. This fully updated second edition builds on the new government agenda and interest in supporting quality provision for young children and their families. Offering 15 new chapters, it brings together current research and thinking in a broad range of areas: the diversity of practitioner roles and multi-agency working; working with families; listening to children; observing and assessing; developing professional roles; health and well being; curriculum and pedagogy; and the importance of play and learning in a young child's education and care. The readings have been chosen for their strongly practical approach, underpinned by relevant theory, and are aimed primarily at early years practitioners who are developing their knowledge and understanding of professional practice through studying for Early Years Sector Endorsed Foundation Degrees, Ordinary and Honours Degrees in Early Years and Early Childhood Studies Degrees or following Full-time Pathway to achieving Early Years Professional Status (EYPS). This second edition will also be of interest to those undertaking initial and postgraduate teacher training in early years. It is likely to be of particular interest to those in the early stages of their professional development but who are aspiring to assume leadership roles in their settings. The book should also be a valuable and unique resource for training providers of a range of courses at further and higher education level that prepare people to work with, and lead in, early years settings in the UK.