Disability Politics Understanding Our Past Changing Our Future

SKU: 9780415079990
Regular price $118.00
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    July 1996
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Disability Politics Understanding Our Past Changing Our Future
Disability Politics Understanding Our Past Changing Our Future

Disability Politics Understanding Our Past Changing Our Future

SKU: 9780415079990
Regular price $118.00
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  • Author:
  • ISBN:
  • Publication Date:
    July 1996
  • Edition:
  • Pages:
  • Binding:
  • Publisher:
  • Country of Publication:


This work presents a series of perspectives on the process of self-organization of disabled people which has taken place over the last thirty or so years. The 1980s saw a transformation in our understanding of the nature of disability, and consequently the kinds of policies and services necessary to ensure the full economic and social integration of disabled people. At the heart of this transformation has been the rise in the number of organizations controlled and run by disabled people themselves. Through a series of interviews with disabled people who have been centrally involved in the rise of the disability movement, the authors present a new collective history which throws light on the politics of the 1980s, and offers insights into future political developments in the 1990s and on into the 21st century.
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  • This work presents a series of perspectives on the process of self-organization of disabled people which has taken place over the last thirty or so years. The 1980s saw a transformation in our understanding of the nature of disability, and consequently the kinds of policies and services necessary to ensure the full economic and social integration of disabled people. At the heart of this transformation has been the rise in the number of organizations controlled and run by disabled people themselves. Through a series of interviews with disabled people who have been centrally involved in the rise of the disability movement, the authors present a new collective history which throws light on the politics of the 1980s, and offers insights into future political developments in the 1990s and on into the 21st century.
This work presents a series of perspectives on the process of self-organization of disabled people which has taken place over the last thirty or so years. The 1980s saw a transformation in our understanding of the nature of disability, and consequently the kinds of policies and services necessary to ensure the full economic and social integration of disabled people. At the heart of this transformation has been the rise in the number of organizations controlled and run by disabled people themselves. Through a series of interviews with disabled people who have been centrally involved in the rise of the disability movement, the authors present a new collective history which throws light on the politics of the 1980s, and offers insights into future political developments in the 1990s and on into the 21st century.