Marketing Strategy : A Decision Focused Approach

SKU: 9780078028946
Regular price $379.99
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  • Author:
    WALKER Orville / MULLINS John
  • ISBN:
  • Publication Date:
    March 2013
  • Edition:
  • Pages:
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Marketing Strategy : A Decision Focused Approach
Marketing Strategy : A Decision Focused Approach

Marketing Strategy : A Decision Focused Approach

SKU: 9780078028946
Regular price $379.99
Unit price
  • Author:
    WALKER Orville / MULLINS John
  • ISBN:
  • Publication Date:
    March 2013
  • Edition:
  • Pages:
  • Binding:
  • Publisher:
  • Country of Publication:


Marketing Strategy, 8e is a focused, succinct text which can be used on its own or packaged with a case book. It covers the concepts and theories of creating and implementing a marketing strategy and offers a focus on the strategic planning process and marketing's cross/inter-functional relationships. This text distinguishes itself from competitors by maintaining a strong approach to strategic decision making. The eighth edition helps students integrate what they have learned about analytical tools and the 4P's of marketing within a broader framework of competitive strategy. Four key and relevant trends that are sweeping the world of marketing theory and practice are integrated throughout this new edition.

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  • Marketing Strategy, 8e is a focused, succinct text which can be used on its own or packaged with a case book. It covers the concepts and theories of creating and implementing a marketing strategy and offers a focus on the strategic planning process and marketing's cross/inter-functional relationships. This text distinguishes itself from competitors by maintaining a strong approach to strategic decision making. The eighth edition helps students integrate what they have learned about analytical tools and the 4P's of marketing within a broader framework of competitive strategy. Four key and relevant trends that are sweeping the world of marketing theory and practice are integrated throughout this new edition.

Marketing Strategy, 8e is a focused, succinct text which can be used on its own or packaged with a case book. It covers the concepts and theories of creating and implementing a marketing strategy and offers a focus on the strategic planning process and marketing's cross/inter-functional relationships. This text distinguishes itself from competitors by maintaining a strong approach to strategic decision making. The eighth edition helps students integrate what they have learned about analytical tools and the 4P's of marketing within a broader framework of competitive strategy. Four key and relevant trends that are sweeping the world of marketing theory and practice are integrated throughout this new edition.