...there was an unwavering belief in the goodness of milk and orange juice. Soda energised and pleased palates without suspicion.
Better for You examines the rise of a global healthy drinks market and presents case histories of entrepreneurs who dared to create better for you beverages... enduring American brands and burgeoning New Zealand lifestyle drinks, Phoenix Organic, Karma Cola, Chia Sisters, Aotea Native Tonics & King of Kiwi. How did Phoenix Organic, an iconic Kiwi brand, come to be foreign-owned? How is Karma Cola going head-to-head with Big Soda? How does leadership from Chia Sisters founders dismantle Tall Poppy culture? Why did a successful Maori-led drink brand choose to forgo export?
Included in Better for You is a behind the scenes account of Kiwi, Glenn Elliott, who travels to the USA to give it a go with his artisanal kiwifruit drink brand. Much more than a business book, Better for You, shows connections between products and consumers, Americans and Kiwis, and posits how commerce can relate to leading authentic, healthy, and responsible lives.