The Manga Guide to Physics teaches physics in an innovative way by joining real Japanese-style manga with serious and practical instruction. The book's story revolves around Megumi, a high school tennis star frustrated by physics class, and the physics of tennis. Luckily for her, she befriends Ryota, a geeky physics Olympian. After he's persuaded to help Megumi avoid failing physics, Ryota teaches her about Newton's laws of motion, vectors and scalars, and inertia, velocity, and acceleration.
As Ryota explains classical mechanics, he uses real-world examples like roller blading, juggling, slingshots, braking cars, and tennis to show the importance (and fun) of physics in daily life. By the end of their lessons, Megumi has mastered even the most difficult physics concepts like momentum and impulse, work and the conservation of energy, the difference between kinetic, potential, and mechanical energy, and parabolic motion.
With extended explanations and examples to help you learn, this informative and charming guide will have you up to speed on the physics of motion in no time.
Featured in the August 2009 Graphic Novels newsletter.
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