Understand biology without dissecting anything!
If you're years removed from your last high school biology class - or if you're just starting out as a student - here's a fast, effective and entertaining way to learn the fundamental facts and concepts of biology. Written in straightforward, easy-to-grasp language, Biology Demystified will help you understand basic and applied scientific information. As a result, you'll gain "instant expertise" in biology - even if you've had no previous formal training in the sciences.
The author, an experienced biology professor, uses a host of clever techniques to help you soak up what you really need to know, including:
- Presenting "big picture" principles first -- followed by the details
- More than 150 illustrations for solid grounding in basic life sciences
- "Biological Order vs. Disorder" icons for easy category recognition
- A pronunciation guide for difficult biology terms
- Frequent self-testing and reviews to help you retain information
- The original Latin/Greek meanings of many biological terms with entertaining and informative illustrations
- And much, much more!
So if you're looking for a deeper understanding of the world around you, let Biology Demystified be your shortcut!