From the Kermadecs to Campbell Island, beloved endemics to passing vagrants, albatrosses and shearwaters to kiwi and kaka, Birds of New Zealand is the ultimate guide to this countrys extraordinary avian life. It is illustrated with almost 1000 new photographs and uses the latest information from birders and biologists to draw a definitive introduction to bird identification and behaviour. Includes expert information on the 345 bird species found in New Zealand; key identification characteristics and variation by age and sex; authoritative texts covering behaviour, distribution and taxonomy; and Maori, English and scientific names. A copy of this must-have guide belongs in every bach and backpack.
The author of Albatrosses, Petrels and Shearwaters of the World, Paul Scofield is a leading New Zealand ornithologist. Brent Stephenson is a New Zealand bird photographer and tour leader.
Featured in the 10 June 2019 New Zealand newsletter.
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