A practical text that provides a look at basic helping skills used in a variety of disciplines and a number of issues common to helping relationships, processes, and interviews.
This pragmatic text describes basic helping skills used in a variety of disciplines, as well as a number of issues common to helping relationships, processes, and interviews. Suitable for both upper-level undergraduate and entry-level graduate students, the text focuses on skill acquisition, and includes a number of clinical cases and application exercises for promoting skill development.
The new Ninth Edition features a brand new expanded section on the basic helping skills (attending, listening, and action), as well as an additional new chapter contributed by Dr. Beth Robinson, Acadia University, on professional development and issues facing new helpers. Additional content new to this edition covers counseling in military settings, communication with LGBTQ clients, communication with immigrant and refugee clients, assessment of key components of client problems, SMART goals, and mindfulness interventions.
Featured in the Summer 2016 Psychology newsletter.
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