A world on the brink of catastrophe. A two-thousand-year-old mystery. A lost gospel. Both a page-turning adventure and an examination of the stories that humans are willing to kill and die for.
Seeking adventure, a young man flees the drudgery of shopkeeping in Tsarist Russia to make a new life among the bohemians and revolutionaries of 19th century Paris.
Travelling undercover in the mountains of British India, he discovers a manuscript that transforms the world's understanding of the historical Jesus.Decades later, in a Europe threatened by unimaginable tragedy, he makes a despairing attempt to right a historic injustice.This breathtaking novel by the award-winning author of Far North and Strange Bodies tells the extraordinary tale of Nicolas Notovitch and his secret gospel.
It is the epic story of a young man on the make in a turbulent world of spies and double-cross, propaganda and revolutionary violence, lost love and nascent anti-semitism - a world which eerily foreshadows our own era of post-truth politics.
Based on real events, The Secret Books is at once a page-turning adventure and an examination of the stories that humans are willing to kill and die for.